How to Understand the Merdeka Curriculum

Cara Memahami Kurikulum Merdeka

Currently, the Ministry of Education has implemented the "Merdeka Kurikulum" in every educational level. So, what is the "Merdeka Kurikulum"? What is the structure of the "Merdeka Kurikulum"? How can we understand the "Merdeka Kurikulum"? Beginning the post about self-training on the Merdeka Mengajar Platform (PMM), the first topic we will discuss is the ""Merdeka Kurikulum"" module. After studying this module, the expectation are :

  • Participants are expected to understand Curriculum and Learning.
  • Participants are expected to understand that Students are the Center of Curriculum Development.
  • Participants are expected to master "Learning Based on the Principles of the New Paradigm of Learning".
  • Participants are expected to understand how the Structure of Learning encourages students to learn independently.

Referring to PMM, the recommended completion time for this topic is 15 to 22 days. There's no need to rush. You can learn this topic at your own pace to optimize your learning. Here's an example of a possible time division:

  • Study all modules (8-12 days)
  • Take real action (7-10 days)

You can click on each title to further understand the related materials.

The Merdeka Curriculum materials consist of two modules titled:

  1. The Meaning of Curriculum in Education
  2. Learning Version of the Merdeka Curriculum

for the "Meaning of Curriculum in Education" module, it is further divided into 3 topics:

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  1. What is Curriculum?,
  2. Why does the Curriculum need to be changed?,
  3. Why does the Curriculum need to be adapted?.
  4. Curriculum in Learning

For the Learning Version of the Merdeka Curriculum module, it is divided into 6 topics:

  1. General principles in learning
  2. Learning achievements
  3. Learning Process in Achieving Learning Achievements
  4. Learning Achievements in the Curriculum
  5. Competencies, Learning Achievements, and the Profile of Pancasila Learners
  6. Structure of Learning in the Merdeka Curriculum

Collection of Exercise Questions for Understanding and Post-Test on the Merdeka Curriculum Topic: Kurikulum Merdeka :
==> Answer Key for Post-Test Module 1, Meaning of Curriculum in Education

==> Answer Key for Post-Test Module 2, Learning Version of the Merdeka Curriculum


The above article is translated from a learning source provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Hopefully, after studying the guide to understanding the Merdeka curriculum, our understanding of the Merdeka Curriculum will be better than before.


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